Surviving The Battle Royale That Is Your First Job

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Surviving The Battle Royale That Is Your First Job

Surviving The Battle Royale That Is Your First Job

Securing your first-ever job can be one of the happiest moments of your life. But, it can also be one of the most daunting, as you step into the unknown.

Just like how a battle royale game is all about the survival of the fittest, the same could be said about holding your own in the workplace as well. All it takes is for you to acquire a few key skills and to adopt the right mindset. Are you ready?

Getting a lay of the land

First and foremost, you must learn to get used to your office and its culture, as well as waking up earlier than you might have during your school days. Researching about the company before your first day will serve you well too, so don’t overlook it.

Being adaptable is something that most preach about, but often can’t seem to put into practice. One simple method of getting started is to get a lay of the land. If you have any queries, ask around!

There are bound to be colleagues that have worked in the company for years. If you feel hesitant to ask them, you could try asking your direct manager or supervisor first.

Planning ahead of time

When you are in the working world, one thing you can’t avoid is deadlines. Deadlines bring about stress and pressure, which can be detrimental at times. However, if you learn to cope with it, you will not only survive, but even thrive at your first job. Here’s a few steps you can follow:

> Anticipate when you are going to be busy.

> Plan what you need to do ahead of time.

> Assess those plans and ask yourself, which tasks are more important and require more attention.

> Plan how you are going to go about completing each task.

By asking yourself these questions, you can prioritise your tasks and carry them out more efficiently and effectively. One way to determine which task to start first, especially when you have a multitude of high-priority tasks, is to use the Eisenhower model.

Simply draw up a list of your tasks and categorise them according to “urgent and important”, “important but not urgent”, “urgent but not important” and “neither urgent nor important”. Doing so helps to make your workload more manageable, thus alleviating the constantly-mounting pressure and stress.


Teamwork makes your dream work

Finally, what is working on a project without the help of your colleagues? Teamwork can facilitate the completion of any task.

When working on something, it is always better to work with open communication. Stay connected with your team. If anything crops up, voice your concerns. Do not venture out on a task alone, leaving you to fend for yourself. A united team benefits yourself, your teammates, and ultimately, your company.


Now that you are equipped with the skills and positive mindset needed for your job, surviving in the working world should not be as daunting as you first thought. All the best!


Should you require help with securing that first job, let us know today!


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Persol Kelly Indonesia
Persol Kelly Indonesia